Mira photography outside using the clouds as my back drop

“This Is What Happened When I Tried This Mirror Product Photography Trend…”

Head outside ,on a nice day, and try out this mirror photography trend ! grab your products and your camera and a mirror- nature is the most beautiful backdrop !

Mirror photography is so interesting because no two will ever be alike

mirror on the patio for photography
this is product photography I did for some scrunchies

I bought a mirror that’s about 8 x 10” and it does not have a frame – but I don’t think it would matter, Just go outside I placed my mirror on the railing of my deck making sure that my roof wasn’t in the shot. I arrange my items under mirror and make sure that there’s some interesting clouds and start shooting- I used my iPhone for all of these photos which were all for sponsored collaborations.

I like to go outside around 4 o’clock in the afternoon for my shots- that way there is no harsh glare – ! If you are using and iPhone, remember not to use the zoom or you will lose some clarity

It can be helpful to use a step ladder to be high enough so that your camera or your phone does not get in the shot

This is a really fun photography trend ,and I’ve used it for a lot of my clients. I always send them a variety of shots and I love to include one of the sky shots in every package—— please let me know if you have tried this mirror trend

I would love to hear your thoughts

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